Just watched the Marvel Anthem made by A.R.Rahman and I don’t want to be the only one suffering in agony and cringe while watching it, so below is the link 😛

Let me give you a minute to recover…

Ok, so let’s talk what went wrong and why this Anthem sucks

  1. It’s not IPL or World cup Anthem, its a movie for god’s sake

I understand the colorful and happy settings in an Anthem made for sports. Its a celebration of unity and positivity and hope of becoming the champion, Like the Chennai Super Kings theme song below.

But this anthem was for a movie. And nowhere can I see anything even closely related to Avengers or MCU for that matter in the entire absurdity of a song.

2. What’s with the happy tone?

All those who have seen the Avengers: Infinity war know that it didn’t end well. Thanos won and has wiped half of the population of the world including a lot of Avengers. So, in general, the mood is grim and we want to see how is this going to change and what are the Avengers going to do and do we get the lost ones back.

So looking at all this, I don’t understand what’s with the happy tone. Why are people smiling and celebrating (Especially A R Rahman who in his signature style is walking like a rockstar changing his sunglasses … WTF )

3. No connection

The entire lyrics if you listen has no connection whatsoever with the Avengers or the MCU universe. Nor have they used any theme songs connected to MCU


This sounds more like a friendly fight ( Thanos would die hearing the word YAARA ) when in reality its the opposite of that.


So A R Rahman .. have you even seen any of the MCU movies. Did you do any research before writing the song or the tune? Or was it just lazy writing to cash on some dollars.

You made the same mistake while composing songs for Common Wealth Games 2010 ( It was still better than this Avengers Atrocity )

Hey Hollywood, If you want to do something for your Indian audience, do it well. Like the Main Hoon song by Sanam for Spiderman was incredible and was in perfect sync with the movie and its general tone. Please don’t go with big names … they just don’t put the effort.